Patient Education
Brushing Your Teeth
The first step is to choose a good toothbrush. You always want to use a soft brush with a small head. A soft brush is hard enough to remove plaque and soft enough not to damage your teeth or gums.
The next step is to choose a good toothpaste. Toothpastes that contains Fluoride are typically the best as they help strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities. Some examples of toothpastes are Colgate and Crest.
There are many different techniques for brushing your teeth but one of the most popular ones is described here:
Hold the brush with a 45 degree angle toward the teeth and the gum.
Gently brush your teeth in a circular motion so that you brush the tooth and the gum tissue. Do this circular motion across the front of the teeth and then move towards the top of the teeth, and onto the inside of the teeth by the tongue. Brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes twice a day, preferably after eating to ensure plaque and food debri does not build up on the teeth.
Flossing Your Teeth
The surfaces that are between teeth are not accessible to brush; Therefore, the best way to clean them is with flossing. The frequency of flossing is like brushing and ideally after each meal, though one time a day (before going to bed) is the minimum necessary.
To start, cut a piece of dental floss (approximately 2 feet). Wrap both sides of the floss around your middle fingers. Using your index and thumb move the floss in between all your teeth one by one.
When flossing, make sure you are not cutting your gums. In each space in between the teeth, press the floss against each tooth (hug the tooth) and gently move it back and forth and up and down and then move to the opposite surface of the adjacent tooth.
Electric Brush Versus Manual Brushes
Theoretically you could do a very good brushing with a regular hand brush, but the movements of an electric brush make the task easier and more efficient. Electric toothbrushes do all the work for you. All you have to do is let it rest on the tooth and gum surface and it cleans for you. This is a great option for everyone to clean their teeth more effectively. Please let us know if you have an interest in an electric toothbrush as we may be able to get you a discount on an electric toothbrush.
Brushing Your Teeth
There are a few different causes for bad breath. It can be caused by stomach issues, diet, and the mouth. Most of the causes can be found in the mouth, they are:
● Tongue (when bacteria grows in between the papilla)
● Teeth cavities (especially when food particles get stuck in them)
● Gum diseases
● Dentures when not cleaned properly
● Alcohol and tobacco use
If you or someone you know is concerned about bad breath, the first step is a dental check up. Your dentist will be able to confirm or rule out teeth or mouth as the source of bad breath.
Following a good oral hygiene routine and getting regular check ups with your dentist are the best ways of preventing bad breath.
Dental Health and Your Diet
Sugar is the main cause of dental decay when there is bacteria present..
Snacking is one of the ways to cause tooth decay. Each time you eat or drink something, it raises the acid level in your mouth. This is why, if you must have juice or soda, it is best to drink it all in one sitting, instead of sipping on it throughout the day. If you must snack or eat sugary snacks, it is best to rinse your mouth afterwards to help bring the pH of the mouth back to a healthy level. Of course, once you are done eating, it is always best if you can brush and floss your teeth afterwards.
Eating healthier foods that have less sugar are not only better for your overall health, but your teeth too. This way, the teeth are exposed to less sugar. Another group of food that causes significant damage to teeth structure is acidic foods. Things like lime, lemon and grapefruit, if in frequent contact with teeth, can cause serious irreversible damage (erosion) to your teeth.
You can also chew on sugarless gum that has Xylitol in it. There are some studies that show that Xylitol helps keep the mouth healthier.
Fluoride and Decay Prevention
Many years ago scientists started to notice that children who were born and raised in areas with natural fluoride in drinking water had less cavities than children in other areas.
Fluoride that is absorbed by your body when teeth are forming (during mother’s pregnancy to early childhood) integrates into the structure of enamel and makes it stronger.
The Fluoride that is inside your toothpaste and what your dentist places on your teeth helps to strengthen the enamel and reduces the chance of tooth decay.
Post-Operative Instructions
Please select the procedure you had to see a summary of post-op instructions. Call us if you have any questions:
- Extraction
- Root canal
- Implant surgery
- Botox
- Filler
The first two days after an extraction are the most critical. The day of the extraction, our biggest concern is the formation of a good, strong blood clot. It is from the blood clot that new bone formation begins. This is necessary in order to fill in the holes left by the tooth that was removed.In order to protect the clot, we STRONGLY recommend the following:
- Change gauze after eating/drinking or every 2 to 3 hours until bedtime or until bleeding has stopped. Do not eat or sleep with gauze in your mouth.
The days following the extraction our primary concern is to keep the area(s) clean. The area cannot heal, and new bone cannot form if food debris is allowed to stay in the sockets
Starting the second day, you may rinse your mouth with a Hydrogen Peroxide solution. This solution you can make at home. It will be a 1:10 dilution (one part hydrogen peroxide, ten parts water) that you can rinse with after each meal. You may brush the rest of your teeth (avoid the socket area).
Rinse with warm salt water between meals is recommended to aid in healing. Continue to refrain from Smoking. No Smoking is recommended for 3 to 4 days. The longer you go without smoking, the less likely you are to develop a dry socket. Any type of smoking is very irritating to the freshly exposed bone.
If you have been told to return to have the sutures removed or to have the area checked, please be sure to keep this appointment.
Pain Management: If you have not been prescribed a pain medication and are able to take Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol), we recommend taking 800mg of Ibuprofen and 1000mg of Tylenol every 8 hours. Do not exceed this dosage.
If in the days following your extraction(s), you have ANY questions, please call us. We prefer that you do that rather than worry unnecessarily.
Root Canals:
Home care after Root Canal Treatment
After Treatment: Your Root Canal treatment is now complete. Avoid eating or drinking on the side of the mouth that has been treated, until numbness from injections has worn off. If you have been prescribed medications, please take them as directed and be sure to finish the medications.
Discomfort: Discomfort or soreness in the area is normal for a few days. The tooth can be tender to biting or chewing and the gums may be sore. Over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Excedrin, and Tylenol should relieve most of the discomfort. Rinsing with warm salt water dilution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water) will help as well.
Temporary Filling: A temporary filling has been placed on top of the Root Canal. It is normal for a thin layer of the temporary filling to be chewed away between appointments. An unusual taste can be expected. If the whole temporary filling falls out, please call our office. It’s important that your temporary filling stays intact until the placement of a permanent restoration.
Final Restorations: If an appointment to place a final restoration has not been made, please call us to schedule this appointment promptly. Endodontically treated teeth have been weakened by previous decay and fillings. In most cases, it is necessary for these teeth to receive additional protection in the form of a permanent restoration (crown). This will protect these teeth against future fracture, decay, and help prevent the root canal filling from possible contamination. Delay in obtaining a final restoration may result in fracture, possible loss of the tooth, or require a retreatment of the root canal. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call our office.
Implant Surgery
Home Care After Implant: Placement
Antibiotics– You may have been given an antibiotic. Please take it as directed until it is gone.
Peridex (Chlorhexidine) Mouth Rinse – GENTLY rinse with ½ ounce twice daily after brushing the remaining teeth in the nonsurgical sites.
Diet: Drink plenty of liquids, but not through a straw. Stay on a soft diet for the first 48 hours after the procedure.
Swelling: It is natural to expect some swelling after surgery. To keep swelling to a minimum, apply an ice pack to the outside of your face for 15 minutes and then 15 minutes off for the next 24 hours (except while sleeping). Sleep with your head on two pillows; keeping your head slightly elevated will help minimize swelling.
Bleeding: It is natural to have some blood mixed with your saliva for the first two or three days after surgery. However, a bleeding problem would be considered if your mouth were to fill rapidly with blood in just a few minutes. Should this occur, do not rinse to stop the bleeding. Take a wet tea bag and place it over the bleeding area and press firmly for twenty minutes. If the bleeding will not stop, call the office.
Hygiene: In the first 24 hours you are not to rinse or spit as this may disrupt the blood clot and cause further bleeding. After 24 hours you may begin to brush your teeth and gums gently. Do not floss. If you have a denture or partial, because of swelling, it may not fit well the first week or two but should settle in over time. Please leave the denture out as much as possible the first 3 weeks after surgery, especially at night. If the partial or denture is hitting an implant, please call our office immediately to have the denture adjusted. Early trauma to the implant could cause it to be compromised.
If Healing Abutment has been placed:
In some cases, swelling may cover the healing abutment for a few weeks until the swelling subsides. The healing abutment will hold the gum tissue back from the implant until your dentist is ready to place the final crown. The healing abutment may, on occasion, come loose or even fall out during the healing period. If this occurs, please call the office at the phone number below and it will be tightened or replaced. Loosening or loss of the healing abutment will not damage the implant if it is addressed promptly. Failure to inform your surgeon of a loose abutment could cause infection or even loss of the implant if ignored.
For Pain: If the doctor prescribes a medication for pain, please make sure you take the medication as directed. Also, if not prescribed a medication, you may take Ibuprofen and Tylenol alternating every 2 hours or as recommended by the doctor.
Activity: Get plenty of rest this week and do not overexert yourself. If you were sedated, there should be no driving the day of the surgery. If you need to get in touch with the doctor, please call the office.
The guidelines to follow post treatment have been followed for years, and are still employed today to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis (drooping of the eyelids). These measures should minimize the possibility of ptosis.
- No straining, heavy lifting, vigorous exercise for 3-4 hours following treatment. It is now known that it takes the toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve to start its work, and because we do not want to increase circulation to that area to wash away the Botox® from where it was injected.
- Avoid manipulation of area for 3-4 hours following treatment. (For the same reasons listed above.) This includes not doing a facial, peel, or microdermabrasion after treatment with Botox®.
- It can take 2 -10 days to take full effect. It is recommended that the patient contact the office no later than 2 weeks after treatment if desired effect was not achieved and no sooner to give the toxin time to work.
Light Makeup may be applied before leaving the office.
Dermal Filler: Instructions
DO NOT: Touch, press, rub or manipulate the implanted areas for the rest of the day after treatment. Avoid kissing, puckering and sucking movements for the rest of the day as these motor movements can undesirably displace the implanted dermal filler material. You can cause irritation, sores, and/or problems, and possible scarring if you do.
AVOID: Aspirin, Motrin, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A., Vitamin E, or other essential fatty acids at least 3 days after treatment.
AVOID: Alcohol, caffeine, niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates (you may eat fruit), spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours after your treatment.
AVOID: Vigorous exercise and sun and heat exposure for 3 days after treatment.
DISCONTINUE: Retin 2 days after treatment. It is best to wear no makeup or lipstick until the next day. Earlier use can cause pustules.
One side may heal faster than the other side.
You can expect some bruising and swelling around the areas that were injected. Apply ice for the first hour after treatment for ten minutes on and ten minutes off.
You must wait 2 weeks before any enhancements.
***Please report any redness, blisters, or itching immediately if it occurs after treatment.***
Frequently Asked Questions
We want to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call in with any other questions.
How often should I brush and floss?
Brushing and flossing can help control plaque and gum disease. Food debris and bacteria combine with saliva on a daily basis to form a sticky film, called plaque, on our teeth and gums. If not removed several times a day, plaque can harden and begin to destroy the gums and teeth and to develop periodontal (gum) disease. Brushing and flossing regularly, along with the regular use of other dental aids, can stop the continuous growth of plaque.
Tooth Brushing
Brush at least twice a day. The most important is before bedtime. The dental industry is booming with technology. Bristle designs help to get the right 45-degree angle, and help the brush to reach hidden areas of the mouth. Certain effective methods of brushing your teeth include:
Brush all surfaces of the teeth: the outer, the inner and the biting surface. Also, use the tip of the brush head to clean the inside of the front teeth. Brush the entire tongue, but especially at the back of the throat, where typically a lot of bacteria accumulate.
Electric toothbrushes have been designed to mimic the action normally required by the wrist; so simply holding the toothbrush over each area and letting the brush do the work can make brushing a joy, and can increase your desire to brush often.
How often should I have a dental exam or cleaning?
It is important to visit us on a regular basis so that we can identify potential problems early and take appropriate action. Tooth decay can, if left untreated, cause the total loss of a tooth within a year. For this reason it is important to visit us every six months. In some circumstances you may need more frequent visits.
While brushing and flossing daily will generally keep your mouth in good condition, regular visits will go a long way to prevent major tooth or gum disease, or catch it early, if it is developing. We will perform tests and use x-ray technology to see problems long before they can cause lasting damage to your mouth.
Examination of diagnostic x-rays (radiographs)
Radiographs are essential for detection of decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss. X-rays also help determine tooth and root positions.
Oral cancer screening
At every visit, we always check the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat tissues and gums for any signs of oral cancer.
Your dental exam
During your exam Dr. Naser will check your teeth for cavities and broken fillings or crowns. Dental decay may appear as a hole or sometimes as a dark shadow underneath the surface of the enamel. Special dental instruments can go a lot farther than the average toothbrush at removing calculus (tartar), probing beneath the surface, and checking the strength of existing fillings and crowns.
What is Plaque and why do I need to get rid of it?
Plaque is defined as a soft, sticky and colorless deposit that is continually forming on our teeth and gums. All of us “get” plaque, so all of us need to get rid of it. If plaque is allowed to grow, it can cause cavities and lead to gum disease. If plaque is not removed daily, it will harden and become tartar. Tartar is much harder to remove from the tooth; so why not “catch” it before it has a chance develop? (See Good Brushing Techniques, below.)
Dental teeth polishing will remove plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth. It is a cosmetic procedure that removes surface stains on the crown part of the tooth or above the gum line so teeth will look and feel cleaner and brighter.
Oral Hygiene – Good Brushing Techniques
At our dentist office the entire team is dedicated to educate you on toothbrush choices, tooth paste, floss, rinses and fluoride options.
Review dietary habits
Your eating habits play a very important role in your dental health. So as you can see, there are many good reasons to make regular visits to our office. We are committed to making each one of your visits a valuable and lasting part of your dental care regimen.
What should I do if I have bad breath?
There are times when bad breath can occur regardless of the dental health of an individual’s mouth. Bad breath in a healthy mouth is largely a result of microbial deposits on various locations of the tongue, especially the back. In many cases, simply brushing the tongue can reduce bad breath by up to 70 percent.
What may cause bad breath?
Saliva contains enzymes that cleanse the mouth of bacterial growth. During sleep, saliva production slows or even stops altogether, producing a dry-mouth effect and causing bad breath.
Certain foods
Certain foods contain compounds that have a strong natural odor, such as onions or garlic which, upon entering the blood stream, are transferred into the lungs, then exhaled through the mouth.
Poor oral hygiene habits
Food particles can remain in the mouth, promoting growth of bacteria.
Periodontal (gum) disease
Inflammation of the gums can often indicate bacterial infections and food particles collecting in hard-to-reach areas.
Dental cavities or ill-fitting dental appliances
Cavities in the tooth or ill-fitting appliances can foster bad breath by allowing hidden areas for bacterial growth and food particle collection.
Dry mouth (Xerostomia)
Dry mouth may result from certain oral medications, salivary gland issues, or sinus problems resulting in excessive mouth breathing. Tobacco products can also dry the mouth and contribute to bad breath. Drinking water throughout the day can keep the mouth clean and moist.
Certain diets can cause ketosis in the body, which produces chemicals called ketones that may be released into the breath as the body burns fat.
Some medical conditions or illnesses
Bad breath can be the body’s response or simply a symptom of such conditions as liver or kidney problems, diabetes, chronic sinus infections, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
If you keep a journal of what and when you eat, you may be able to identify the cause of bad breath. Discuss your current medications, any recent surgeries, or illnesses with your dentist.
Do You Accept Denti-Cal?
We do currently accept Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal patients. Please call in to verify before appointment. Thank you.
What can I do to prevent bad breath?
Practice good oral hygiene
Brush at least twice a day with an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste and toothbrush. Floss daily to remove food debris and plaque from in between teeth and under the gum line. Brush or use a tongue scraper to clean the tongue and reach the back areas. Replace your toothbrush every two to three months (more frequently if you are ill). If you wear dentures or removable bridges, clean them thoroughly and place them back in your mouth in the morning.
See us regularly
Get a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year. If you have or have had periodontal disease, we may recommend more frequent visits.
Stop smoking/chewing tobacco
If you are concerned about your breath and your overall good health, we may be able to recommend some ways to help you break the habit.
Drink water frequently
Water will hydrate your mouth, as well as your whole body, and will help wash impurities from your system.
- Use carefully selected mouthwash/rinses
- Some over-the-counter rinses taste and feel like they are effective, but have only a temporary effect. Ask your dentist which of the rinses will clean your mouth and kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
How can I tell if I have gum disease?
Statistically speaking, four out of five people who have periodontal disease don’t even know it, because it is usually painless in the early stages. Having your dentist perform regular check-ups can go a long way to preventing any lasting occurrence of periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease begins with the accumulation of plaque, which is a sticky colorless film of bacteria, food debris, and saliva. When this film is not brushed away well each day, the accumulation of bacteria and food particles held in the plaque can inflame the gums and destroy the bone over time.
Infrequent brushing is only one of a few risk factors contributing to the development of periodontal disease. Other factors include:
- Some medications: Steroids, cancer therapy drugs, blood pressure medications, and oral contraceptives
- Systemic diseases such as diabetes and AIDS, etc.
- Smoking or chewing tobacco: higher incidence of periodontal disease is seen in people who smoke or chew
- Pregnancy or oral contraceptives
- Life changes such as puberty
- Positioning of teeth or crowding of teeth can make it very difficult to reach some areas regardless of proper brushing and flossing techniques
- Ill-fitting crowns or other appliances, such as partials, can allow food to accumulate in specific areas, leading to periodontal disease regardless of good oral habits.
Signs you may have Periodontal Disease
- Red, swollen, bleeding or even receding gums
- Bad mouth odors
- Loose teeth or large gaps
- Tender or painful gums
- Pus around gums or teeth
- Receding gums (thinning gum tissue and/or pulling away from the tooth — which indicates bone loss)
Are amalgam (silver) fillings safe?
Because we are committed to providing the best dental care, our office has chosen not to use amalgam (silver) fillings, in most circumstances. Amalgam fillings require the destruction of larger amounts of healthy tooth than necessary. This, in return, can lead to cracking of the tooth and the possibility of needing a crown. Instead, we choose to use resin (tooth-colored) fillings. In addition to being more aesthetically pleasing, resins (also called composites) are bonded to the tooth. This allows the dentist to remove only unhealthy tooth structure.
Numerous options are available including gold, porcelain, and composite filling material and any such options can be made available on request. We will help you make the choice that is right for you and best for your unique circumstances.
Meet Dr. Ayman
Dr. Ayman Naser is committed to helping you achieve excellent dental care, a lifetime of good oral health and to providing a superior patient experience in every visit. Dr. Ayman chose to maintain a private practice rather than an in-and-out franchise model because he believes in long-term patients where he can be your consultant, your physician and your friend. He is extremely keen on communicating the process and procedures that best fit your needs and your circumstances. Every patient is unique and we hope to be your long-term provider and a part of your family.
Our Office
“…I came to The Shores Dental in need of dental fillings. I left extremely pleased with my visit. Dr.Nasser is an excellent dentist; his office is clean, staff members are polite and helpful … ”
“…Dr.Nasser is such a hidden gem. I have lived and moved to so many places so I always had to changed my dentist. He is by far the absolute best …”
“…Finally I find my dentist doctor. May God bless your hand. Very gentleman ..”

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7855 Fay Ave, #260 La Jolla
Working Hours
Mon: 11am-7pm
Tues: Closed
Wed, Thurs: 9am-5pm
Fri: 8am-1pm
Sat: Sun: Closed
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We provide all clients free parking vouchers. Please park in garage below office