Our Services
Exams, Cleaning, X-Rays, & Sealants
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Exams & Cleanings
Routine exams and cleanings are very important for your overall oral health. You should schedule these on a regular basis to ensure that your smile lasts for as long as it can. Not only is this ideal for adults, but also for children as well. Children should visit a dentist for regular exams and cleanings so their excellent oral health can carry well into adulthood. A routine examination can also be an excellent opportunity to catch any dental issues before they get worse. Here’s what you can expect when scheduling an exam and cleaning with Dr. Naser in La Jolla Shores.
What Goes On During A Routine Exam
During the exam, your dentist will look over your teeth and gums. This will determine whether or not they are in good condition. If they see any plaque or tartar buildup that you might have missed with brushing, they’ll be able to get rid of it right away. Sometimes, even brushing and flossing can lead to a missed spot or two.
They will also take the opportunity to look for any early warning signs of possible dental issues. The sooner they are caught, the better chance a dental issue will be reversed. They may also do a oral cancer screening depending on the information you disclose in your paperwork. If they see that you are a smoker or use tobacco products, the dentist will make a note of looking out for any potential concerns that may be linked to oral cancer.
Any plaque or tartar that was not visible during the dentist’s initial examination will soon be eradicated by cleaning methods. One of them is by way of a high powered toothbrush. The hygienist will brush your teeth and remove any of the leftover plaque or tartar buildup. Of course, they’ll let you choose the flavor of toothpaste that goes with it. However, this isn’t your ordinary toothpaste. This kind of toothpaste has a gritty texture to it.
The hygienist may also do some flossing in a way that most of us don’t do. Next comes the usual rinse followed by a flouride treatment. Once again, you’ll get to choose a flavor that you like best. The fluoride is designed to protect your teeth against cavities for several months.
Schedule An Exam And Cleaning Today
It’s never too late to schedule an exam and cleaning. These should be routine things that occur every six months. These services are available to any person at any age. If you would like to set up an appointment, contact Dr. Naser today.
Preventative Care
One way to ensure that your family’s oral health is great is to see us for periodic visits. Regular prophylaxis (cleanings), exams, and x-rays along with proper home care will eliminate dental disease and help you avoid long costly procedures. The services we provide during these routine visits are as follows:
Health History Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Video Tour
Oral Cancer Screening